Woman with Blue Hat
I work with hand built and wheel thrown pottery. Fired to 2800 degrees. I use 3 clay bodies: High Fire White, Midrange Red and Midrange with Specks. I use high fire glazes that are oven safe, dishwasher safe and ovenproof.
I produce usable ware, everyday pieces. Mugs, bowls, cups, plates, serving dishes and much more. I also do decorative pieces like wall hangings, nativity sets and ordiments.
I am inspired by barns, porches, architecture, people, past illustrations and the people I meet.
Northwood Technical Collage 1019 Knowles Ave New Richmond WI 54017
The St Croix Valley Master Gardeners invite you to their annual Garden U conference. I am a vender here. Go to bit.ly/gardenu2025 to registe...
Northwood Technical Collage 1019 Knowles Ave New Richmond WI 54017
Washington County Fairgrounds Lake Elmo, MN
All things to do with fiber! Pottery too.
Washington County Fairgrounds Lake Elmo, MN
Burroughs Community School Mpls
Burroughs Community School Mpls
River Falls WI
A all day fare to celebrate art and the garden! Just south of River Falls on Highway 65.
River Falls WI
Stockholm WI
A all day art and music fair in the village park in Stockholm WI. I am waiting for confirmation on this event!
Stockholm WI
2021 A new year and art fairs have begun again. See Calendar for events.
Do you have a question about my products or my process? Send me a message, and I'll get back to you soon!